Climbing trip to the Cordillera Blanca mountains of Peru July 2009
For years, I had seen photos and read stories about climbing in the mountains of Peru. The Cordillera Blanca mountain range of Peru contains some of the most beautiful 5000m and 6000m mountains in the world. I had to go.
I had the guidebook. All i needed was a psyched reliable partner. I had met Simon Young in Tasmania in January 09 while climbing the Totem pole. One phone call was all it took.
"Simon, Rob here. wanna go to Peru in July. ?
"Yep , Sounds awesome- how much will it cost?"
One thing about mountaineering is that no matter how fit you are, you always wish you were fitter. 6 solid months of training later and I feel fitter, stronger and better prepared than ever.
"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail".
I can deal with defeat on a mountain due to weather, conditions or extreme danger, but the the excuse of not being fit enough doesn't cut it for me. Maybe thats harsh, but that's just me.
All the effort that goes into planning, working and training for a trip is useless if you are not physically and mentally prepared for the trip. For the past 6 months I've been primarily training Crossfit along with cycling to work, running, yoga and rock climbing.
Crossfit has been a training revelation for me. The improvements in fitness and strength have been amazing. I'm excited to see how the fitness transfers to the mountains.
It's been more than 8 months since I returned from the Himalayas. I'm ready and psyched to get back in action.
I'll be on the jet plane at 6am tomorrow bound for Sydney-> Santiago-> Lima. then onto the mountain town of Huaraz and onward to the mountains. ....... Cant wait.
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